Industry News: Week of October 5, 2020

In by contextere

Every week we curate industry news and articles that reflect today’s trends so you can spend more time learning and less time searching. Here’s what we’ve been reading:


This is how we can get real value from infrastructure
The World Economic Forum argues for an approach to infrastructure that is people-focused, resilient, and sustainable.
Another promise to improve vocational education in Britain

The Economist makes the case for reforming and improving Britain’s technical education system. Authored by a ‘Prime Minister with a classics degree’

Lockheed Martin’s Canada SME Webinar
This Thursday, October 8th, Lockheed Martin will be hosting a free webinar on its supply chain and procurement activities. Our CEO Gabe Batstone will be sharing his experiences as a key supplier during a roundtable discussion and Q&A session.
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